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Use as natural disinfecting mist before and after sex. Gentle sanitizer made with flower essences. Hydrate the reproductive area and leave behind a fresh clean scent. Leaves the vulva area tasty!! Great for refreshing during hot temperatures.


-In 1800's @vulvawater is used as a #luxury #toiletry by #women of higher social economic status.

-Vulva water is a spiritual mist used by healers to get rid of energies you may have picked up from other people.

-Vulva water is used to cleanse alters, yourself, objects, home and more.

-Add Vulva water to your bath water for quick Emergency Cleansing bath.

-Add a splash of Vulva water to your floor wash to bring blessing and cleanse your home of evil.

-To cleanse your home of Negativity and evil, spray down the windows with Vulva water that you prayed over.

-Use Vulva water to get ride of energies it may have picked up from other people.

-Vulva water is used as a spiritual offering in numerous African traditions.


Floral Water, Essential oil

Vulva Water "Mist"

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